Friday, August 20, 2010

Cost Management Implementation Service

If your organization's projects are often cancelled due to uncontrolled spending or budgets being exceeded, your organization is in need of this RobustPMSM consulting service.

This service facilitates the planning and implementation of processes that enable effective management of project costs. To this end, RobustPMSM evaluates the corporation's existing project cost estimating and cost control processes and, where vulnerabilities are identified, will recommend specific improvements to both the processes and the associated technology.

In addition, the RobustPMSM Cost Management Implementation service facilitates the implementation of project cost management based on:

  1.     The organization's method of accounting - i.e. "cash accounting", whereby cash flow of financial events is considered, or "accrual accounting", whereby economic activities (rather than cash flow) of financial events are considered.
  2.     Cost categories - i.e. General Expenses, Capital Labor versus Expense Labor, Capital Purchases, etc.

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